BREASTMILK on the go
I saw an article about Sea Princee Prieto being hailed as the "Idol ng Breastfeeding" Maybe because she has a hectic schedule with all her artsy fartsies and yet committed herself to breastfeeding her child for 6 more months.
Question, so how do you call a mother who works in a call center and breastfeeds a 3 year old and one year old up until now???? Answer:a MOTHER and no idolatry at all! How did I survive?It's plain commitment,love and practicallity.
If you believe in the numerous benefits that breastfeeding gives both te mother and the child,like the tie that bonds and all the antibodies for the kid,you would bear the pain when they drink from you.If you admit you are one hell of a mammal(where I guess the word Mama was derived from),then you are aware of your responsibility to feed.Sometimes not just your child but others e.g. your spouse LOL!
One thing interesting about breastfeeding and working is that you get to choose wearing a disposable breast pad or a cloth washable one. Pigeon disposable breastpads and Gerber cloth breast pads are both important tool for me at work.
Pigeon has boxes of 8 12 24 or so i remember.I always bring 2 pairs just in case.But Gerber has only 2 pairs though more expensive it lasts longer.
With regards to breast pump,I tried bringing the plastic pump by Babyflo and not the expensive mechanical by AVENTI or others.But with just 2 minutes personal breaks from the industry,it's hard pumping at work.Will there come a time that mothers have an extra AUXillary code or break for too personal things???
A thought to ponder!